Someone shared this article, "My Advice for Aspiring Photographers" by Cheryl Jacobs Nicolai,
on Facebook and I really wanted to put it on my blog just so I can have reference to it later. I really liked the advice it had.
on Facebook and I really wanted to put it on my blog just so I can have reference to it later. I really liked the advice it had.
I loved this entire article but some parts really stuck out for me because they are areas that I am really working on to become a better photographer and artist.
As I have been exploring new subject matter from what I began photographing in school, I feel like I have been on a search to discover my own style. I really loved the part where she says, "Style is a voice, not a prop or an action. If you can buy it, borrow it, download it, or steal it, it is not a style. Don't look outward for your style; look inward."
Another quote I loved was, "Great portraits are a side effect of a strong human connection." It's when you make that connection with the person you are photographing, allowing them to open up their heart in a honest way and show their true self, that truly beautiful photos are made. I know every person is beautiful and has a beautiful story to share I want to learn how to capture that in photos and I really do feel like that possible by making that human connection.
And she addresses something I always struggle with, comparing myself to others. I have been a lot better about this lately. A little hint: don't look at other's blogs. :) "Never compare your journey with someone else's. It's a marathon with no finish line. Someone else may start out faster than you, may seem to progress more quickly than you, but every runner has his own pace. Your journey is your journey, not a competition. You will never "arrive". No one ever does."