Cross Processed

In the art world we have a term for when don't turn out how you planned but it's super cool anyways. "Happy accidents," sounds so Bob Ross! "happy trees." "happy accidents." But that is what these photos are. I shot a few rolls of film for Bethany's bridals and I think the lab cross processed one of them.
Normally I wouldn't cross process portraits, and I admittedly had a sleepless night fretting about it. But I think these turned out pretty rad, kind of old timey and reminiscent of classic photos of your grandmother's wedding portraits. I love that! Not that Bethany looks old!  But sh does have that classic beauty, with the dark hair and milky soft skin.

Bethany Bridals

Last Saturday I photographed this beautiful bride's wedding. I'm so excited for her and her new husband, Travis. Bethany and I grew up as next door neighbors, but she is a few years younger than me so I didn't know her as well as her siblings. It was so fun spending the evening together! She is a true beauty and her mom was clearly in awe, seeing her "tom boy" all dolled up and completely loving it.

And a side note: if you were wondering, yes, I am shooting again. :) And if you are interested message me.

Jessica Bridals

Hi old friends.... It's me... I just wanted to share some old photos from this year. Okay, I have a lot of old photos from this year that I haven't shared yet. So I am going to attempt to share as much as I can. We may have Halloween on Christmas...

This is the beautiful Jessica and some photos from her bridals we did in August. I loved getting to know this sweet sweet girl and her amazing family. I got to spend the evening hanging out with Jessica and her beautiful mom and sister. Aren't her red shoes so stinkin' cute! Love love love.

Madison - test shoot

Dear Madison,

Did we not have so much fun on this shoot?!  It was fun putting on a wedding dress, getting all dolled up, taking pictures and seeing how beautiful your photos turned out. And I admit it was fun to see your dad freak out about seeing you in a wedding dress.

I just want to remind you that you are too young to be thinking about really wearing a wedding dress! hahah! You can dream about your wedding, your husband, and your wedding dress and you can try on mine any time you want, but I want you to dream as much or more about the other parts of your future, the parts where it is just you and the world. You have such a bright future ahead of you and you are so young. Maybe you are sick of being young. It always seems to me that you are old for your age (and you know that). Just don't grow up too fast. Take this time to allow yourself to really discover what is in your heart, and allow your life to unfold, rather than rushing it. Allow yourself to travel, play, laugh, and let your light shine and discover what it is your spirit is here to share with the world. Your aunt Kristy gave me the same advice (travel the world and play before you get married) and I just hope you slow down enough to actually do that... :)

One last thought, boys can be fun and it's fun being adored by them but you have to realize the beauty in your own heart. You are beautiful. But it's the boy that you allow to see past your gorgeous face and into your heart and see your spirit that will adore you forever. Take your time to find that guy that truley deserves you, because not many of them do!

Love your favorite aunt, Meili

These were taken for a bridal test shoot

Melanie Bridals

I have been dying to post these photos on the blog! Melanie is so amazingly gorgeous and looks stunning in these photos. And I totally love her hair piece! Her sister-in-law, Christy, works wonders with making beautiful things! Melanie collects trunks and suitcases and used many of them in the decor of their reception. So we decided to incorporate them in her bridals. Melanie and Kevin, aka "Dawson," were married yesterday and it was such a beautiful wedding! Photos from the wedding coming soon!
I have to give a shout out to my dear friend and fellow photographer, Noelle Reynolds, for all her wonderful help. She is such a talented photographer and I am so blessed to know her.