So I don't really "love" taking family photos nor would I say I'm good at it. But I took some family photos for my dear friend Kristina. Kristina and I go way back to Jr High days. Yeah she's that special to me. She and I have been best friends since Jr High and even though we've gone our separate ways at times and she's moved all over the country, we always seem to come back together just like we saw each other yesterday. She is the one I go to with relationship and parenting advice. She knows way more about parenting than a lot parents out there (namely me). Not only is she super nutty and sassy like me but she is also willing to be completely honest with me and tell me what she really thinks and I love that about her.
Anyways, I just want to say how especially nice it was to take pictures of her and her hubby, Scott. They made it so easy and dare I say Fun! I loved photographing them! It's fun taking pictures of two people who really love each other and still play together. Who knew?