As I write this I'm sitting in my hotel room at the MGM Grand Casino in Las Vegas. YAY! I am at WPPI! It's my first year and it's been freaking awesome! Okay, I get that I might think it's way cooler than others who are seasoned WPPI goers. Honestly, I had no idea that anything like this existed, where photographers (not that I consider myself a photographer but more of a poser or a wanna be) could go and meet other photographers and learn! I've learned so much I can't remember it all right now. Either I suffer from information overload or I just didn't learn anything and in time I will find that it was a complete waste of time. But alas, I've taken notes and insanely detailed ones at that. So I will post more on that later when I have my notes in front of me. As for now I am freezing my butt off and my bed is calling to me. (yeah I'm totally lame. I didn't go to any parties. hehe)