It was the first day of the FIND workshop and I had just spent the first half of the day taking in all that Jon had to teach us and I was eager to put everything into practice. As I look at these photos I am reminded of how perfect the weather was. The clouds created a giant soft box and as the day went on the wind really started to pick up, just before the rain hit. I just wish I wasn't such a pansy that first day and would have taken full advantage of the perfect setting and conditions.

I heart windblown hair. (I don't even know if that's a real thing but I do love it) Sigh..... My favorite thing in the whole world is windblown hair! Well maybe I exaggerate.... Okay wind blown anything is my favorite! :)

"Let's Fix the Kids!"

This audio cd, "Let's Fix the Kids!" should have been called "Let's Fix the Parents!" If you've ever heard of, read or taken a class by  Love and Logic you will recognize a lot of similar principles in this audio cd as well. I recently listened to it and learned that a lot of the struggles I have with Sydney are "fixable" by me shifting my approach, changing my perspective, and letting go of controlling the results she experiences in her life. I learned that I simply get to accept her as the person she is and love her the way she is and allow her to make her choices (within reason that is) and live with the consequences.  This is such a hard thing for me sometimes, especially when it comes to homework, because so many times I have felt like she doesn't care enough about the consequences... But I had to do it. I had to do something.... So I let go....

I finally gave in and tried a "point system" that I have been resisting for so long, due to my own laziness, and pre-warned her teacher that, worst case scenario, Sydney might not be turning in her homework for while. Lucky for me her teacher was totally supportive and when I expressed my frustrations she said "time goes by too fast not to enjoy your kids." (I've been so blessed this year to have such a great teacher for Sydney.) Needless to say it's been working! Sydney does her own homework and her grades are better. It has allowed me to be the loving mom that she deserves and needs.

I am not going to sit here and say that everything is perfect and peachy because it's not. But it has improved many areas of our lives and I know that by shifting my energy and approach I can't shift the situation.

I would recommend this audio cd to anyone. I think there is a book too!

I stole this photo from
It's not currently in stock on but the slc library system has it.

Hiking in Girdwood, Alaska

This was my most favorite part of my entire trip to Alaska (okay visiting the sister and her family was good too...) Hiking in the rain forest in Girdwood was so magical and beautiful, like being in a fairy tale. I know that sounds a little dramatic and corny but it really was the most beautiful and serene place. And the city of Girdwood was like a little village from a children's story book.

On the way down the mountain we pulled our car over to the side of the road and picked salmon berries in the rain. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day.
In case you were wondering... salmon berries aren't really that great, not like raspberries. But picking them is! :)

Thoughts on Fear

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face… you must do the thing which you think you cannot do. 
~ Eleanor Roosevelt

My mom called me chicken shit.... yeah. my mom. She loves me. hahahahha

But she was pretty much really right.

I had an opportunity to do some photography. I had already committed to something else and I thought I would have to make a choice... 1) A chance to learn photography from someone experienced or 2) taking on a photography assignment that I've never done before. Jumping into unknown territory, uncharted waters (by me that is) and learn as I go.

Well in the end I didn't have to make that decision as it fell through but to be honest I don't think I would have done it, chosen the unknown.... why? because I am chicken shit..... ha!

Okay so I've decided I get to look fear in the face and do that which I think I cannot do.  To start doing things that scare the crap out of me.

More on that to come later. I've decided to start a new project that forces me to stretch and step out of my comfort zone. eeeek!

Dave. digital vs film

Brace yourself.... I have a ton of film photos to share...

I am so excited about all the film photos that I have taken I don't even know where to start. I can't even decide what to post today! right now my favorite thing about film is the ease in editing... I can get away with doing hardly any post-processing work! It's craziness! A lot of the photos that I will be sharing I have shot a digital version as well, so I will try to show both if I can.

where to start.... hmmm.... how about a portrait?

Okay this puts me in a very vulnerable position...  but I just want to share with y'all how much I love film and why. here is a side by side of a digital photo and then the same thing shot with film. both of these images are sooc (straight out of camera). If you can't tell, the image on the left is digital and would take so much time to adjust. He looks sickly!

In my own opinion, I pretty much suck at post-processing. I am still learning how to get the look that I want with my digital photos. Sometimes I am more successful than others but seriously.... O know these aren't perfect but it's a no brainer which I would rather start with. I am LOVING the tones in the film! Ugh! And I can spend less time editing and get away from the computer and  spend more time doing what I love.

Seward, Alaska

I've been posting a lot of personal work lately. But, I'm just so excited to share photos that were taken on my trip to Alaska oh so long ago. I can't believe it took me so long to get the film developed.  
Taken with my holga

Utah Food Photographer: Zucchini noodles with marinara sauce

This is a dish that my mom got from a Suzanne Somers cookbook when my sister found out she was gluten intolerant. I actually really like this dish and even eat it when I'm not doing a detox.

It's even better when you can add fresh grated Parmesan cheese on top. Soon enough.... as for now I'm off dairy products. :)
